

Alone. At home. Lonely? Absolutely not. Allah with me. Abah + Idin pergi kebun. Ummi pergi sekolah. Iyah pergi latihan bola tampar. Me? I've done my homework in one hour and rest for 3 hours. Lewls. I have no homework actually. What a great weekend! With 3 extra holidaay! Yeeeaaaaayyy! *dancing*

It's February. Ahh, cepatnya masa berlalu. Dah habis sebulan. Habis macam tu jee? Tak. Banyak yang aku dah belajar. Not only for PMR. Friendship, Type of people and others. A lot. I can't describe them here. 

Okay, there's no more story. Semuanya dah cerita kat T-qy -.- haha. As I'm Form3 and the PMR candidate this year, aku mungkin takkan post lagi. Yess. Busy. Orang lain boleh, aku tak boleh. Even online pun seminggu sekali. K, tipu. Lebih 5 kali tapi tak sampai 10 kali dalam seminggu. Pyka Halim and T-qy boleh buat. Takkan aku tak boleh buat kan? 

Okay okay. Gtg. Bonda dah bagi amaran. Hehe. K, Assalamualaikum.

Terima Kasih Daun Keladi, Lain Kali Bacalah Lagi~

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